Troo Food Liberation is a collective of people from different backgrounds that came together to work toward exposing the truth behind our food.
Troo Food Liberation (T//F//L//) believes that the role of food in our lives today is hugely important – it is political, it is social, it is ecological, it is communal and it should always taste damn fine!
T//F//L// advocates for people to make more conscious decisions as consumers. We believe in the right of all people to eat real food, food that is free of pesticides and genetic modification.
Real food which retains its nutritional value and original healing properties. We believe in the ancient Greek motto of “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” (Hippocrates, 460 B.C.)..
Troo Food BIO Choco Rolls RASPBERRY 50g
Forest berries and raw chocolate in a chewy, smooth roll. No preservatives no sugar exceptnaturally from raw organic dates…Nothing will prevent you from enjoying real healthy chocolate!